Don’t buy if you don’t feel like it

 Ethics for Fashionistas

You’ve probably heard plenty of advice about being a responsible consumer, following your budget, and not buying things you don’t need. But for fashionistas, it can be hard to know where to begin. What types of products should we avoid buying, and how can we make our shopping a little more ethical?

A: Don’t worry, we’re listening! Because right here at Self-Esteem, we have a hefty load of helpful ethics tips for fashionistas. Whether you're a seasoned shopper or brand new to the world of ethical fashion, these tips will have you feeling more Confidence than Conflicted in the blink of an eye.

Always be ethical in your buying


The first rule of ethical shopping is always to be ethical in your buying. When you buy something, you’re not just taking a seat at the table,

you’re also taking a seat on the ground. Whether it’s a pair of shoes you plan to wear for work or a jacket you want to wear for vacation, you’re bound to end up with something you don’t want to wear.

Even if you don’t have a problem with the brand, the clothes, or the product itself, it’s still bad form to buy things you don’t feel like wearing. Why not make an effort to look at things through a clothes and accessories buying window, instead of just buying them?

This applies even if you have no particular desire to buy fashionable clothes. Take a look at this pair of designer jeans, printed with colorful messages, and think about what could become part of your wardrobe.


Don’t buy if you don’t feel like it


If you plan on buying a lot of clothes, start by doing your research. You may be saving money by not buying things you don’t need. Begin by looking at what other people are wearing and ask yourself: Does this look familiar? If the answer is yes, then buy it.

You might not need the exact clothes on every second of every third day of every month, but having them on your body sure as hell feels like clothes.


Don’t buy it until you have time to look at it


Buying items on sale or at a discount is a great way to save money, while still making a great purchase. If you usually shop at the same time every day, try heading to the store on a slow day. You may be able to find something cheap you can wear before work, or something expensive but still wearable at home.



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